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Network Scanner Tool

Sharp OSA® Network Scanner Tool provides you with easy access to files on your desktop – or in a public share – for seamless browsing and printing at the MFP. Sharp OSA Network Scanner tool also simplifies scanning and file sharing – scan directly to your desktop, to a public box – all from your Sharp OSA-enabled MFP.

Now you can virtually eliminate time-consuming steps of document processes by automating workflows using job “profiles” – a set of preconfigured instructions – to configure and control MFP scanning and printing. Even complex tasks can be accomplished easily. Create profiles to control every aspect of how a document is scanned, where the file is sent, and even the file name. Destinations can include your own PC, as well as shared or private folders on the network. With profiles there is no need to manually configure your preference at the PC before you start a print run either. Just walk up to the MFP, choose your custom print profile, select the file you wish to print and you are done.


  • Simplify document workflows
  • Distribute documents quickly and easily
  • Store and retrieve documents quickly
  • Reduce e-mail server file transmissions
  • Easy installation on multiple user desktops


  • Print: Select files from a PC, network share, or public boxes to print at the MFP
  • Scan: Browse and select destination folder on your PC from the MFP panel
  • Scan to another user’s public box to share files
  • Create, save and manage custom scan and print profiles at the MFP
  • Preview scanned images and print files from the MFP panel
  • Push Installation to client PC
Key Features
  • Quick/easy document distribution
  • Easy storage and retrieval
  • Scan to desktop, shared folders
  • Preview scanned images from MFP